Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Canine wars

Today I realised that dogs have Napoleon complexes too because it's been the smaller dogs, Scottish Terrier and Cocker Spaniel, who've attacked me for my balls. The latter dispelled the notion that dogs are colour blind when he opted for my orange ball instead of the lime green tennis ball is owner had thrown. Once again the owner after retrieving my ball, telling the dog off and wiping the ball against her jacket handed it back to me while apologising profusely.

Her embarrassment contrasted sharply with the insouciance of the next dog owner I had reason to interact with after his sorry excuse for a dog bit chunks out of one of my balls. The difference between this mongrel and the other two, the mongrel was an ill-tempered BITCH.

Now dog owners be warned, I will take measures to defend my property from your ill-trained dogs, by any means necessary.

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