Monday 26 February 2007

Deconstructing Emimem

So tell me, do tell me what all the fuss is about
Yet another rapper spouting homophobic & misogynist words from his mouth
He's certainly not the first so why all the furore?
Is the fact that he's white and not black significant in some way?

His lyrics are full of profanities
which can obscure the underlying message he's trying to achieve,
and yet in the case of the quite exceptional Stan
the gratuity of the profanities is somewhat toned down.

So where will his inspiration come from when his anger eventually abates,
when he's patched things up with his mum, dad & Kim, and when he can't find anyone else to hate
As one grows older, the excesses of youth are toned down,
he's only got to look at Dr. Dre who's considerably mellowed out.

He's layed into Will Smith, criticising his music as being too happy
But who's the one dimensional character here, Big Will or Mr. Snappy?
A mon avis, Mr. Smith's the more versatile of the two,
which other rapper peppers his lyrics with words like serendipity & by so doing educates you?
But I'll leave the last words to the guy formerly known as the Fresh Prince,
who on hearing of Emimem's diss said, "lets talk in 5 years."

I wrote this in 2000 - somewhat prescient don't you think?!

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