Monday 26 February 2007

When I turned 30 (it was a while ago!!)

Today I'm 30 so I thought that I might do a broadcast,
but instead opted for a multicast,
which will sometimes tend to unicast
and this reference to my metier will be the last.

If you're wondering why you received this message,
it's your importance to me that I'm trying to acknowledge.
You've either inspired me or
made me strive to be the best that I can be.
Or perhaps it was lifting me up when I was down
or when I was little, carrying me high and twirling me around
or while pondering how to end a relationship
you digressed and came up with practical furniture rearranging tips

As I sit in my car, it's raining outside,
but the elements aside, it's been an exhilarating ride.
So thanks for the good times, for being there and the memories
consider yourself to be evergreen trees.

If you think I've been verbose, well heh,
it is after all, MY BIRTHDAY!!

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