Wednesday 21 February 2007


My sports knowledge allows me to make uncannily accurate predictions and now I have a platform to broadcast to the entire universe - extra terrestials, can you hear me?! (don't worry folks, it's just the early onset of megalomania). They say if you've got talent, you should put it to work so here are some predictions for you:

French Open champion for 2007 - the Spanish Matador aka Rafael Nadal (what a lovely bum!) to deny the Swiss Maestro aka Roger Federer (he plays tennis the way Mozart played the piano - like I was there) his much coveted Grand Slam
Wimbledon champion for 2007 - Venus Ebony Starr Williams aka V. In 2005, Serena won the Australian Open and Venus won Wimbledon (her mental fortitude was of herculean proportions) As history repeats itself, V will win Wimbledon this year.
US Open champion for 2007 - Andy Murray - I believe his temperament is well suited to Flushing Meadows and the kid has got game

To give you some indication of the kind of talent I'm talking about, in 1984, I predicted that Argentina would win the World Cup and France would be runner up. Is that scoffing I hear?! Well at least one of my readers can corroborate this. Alas, it was at a time when online betting was still the figment of someone's imagination and anyway, I wasn't old enough to go down to the bookies and place a bet. This time round though, I intend to put my money where my mouth is and place some bets - are you with me?!

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