Thursday, 3 July 2008


To those African leaders who did not have the gumption to condemn Mugabe's staged run off and declare his presidency illegitmate, shame on you!! To those who endorsed Mugabe such as Omar Bongo, Africa's longest serving ruler because of your practice of buying off your opponents using petrodollars from Gabon's bountiful oil reserves, and Gambia's Yahya Jammeh , shame on you!!. If you failed to speak out because of the log in your own eye, shame on you!!

The AU has let the people of Zimbabwe down so it begs the question, does the AU exist to serve governments or to serve ordinary people? The AU has the legal power to declare Morgan Tsvangirai Zimbabwe's legitmate head of state based on the results of the March elections, which even Zanu-PF concede the MDC won. The fact that the run-off was not held within 21 days of the first round elections renders it invalid, notwithstanding the blatant thuggery and intimidation employed by Zanu-PF.

How is it possible for an 84 year old man to cow 52 people? He is not superhuman, his shit stinks like EVERYBODY elses - enough with the flippin' deification!!

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