Did you hear about Dubya's volte-face on talking to Iran without preconditions, something BO had proposed a few months back and which Dubya had derided and likened to Neville Chamberlain's appeasement in 1939? In fact, Dubya's administration is soon to establish diplomatic relations with Iran after a 30 year break.
Somebody else on the volte-face bandwagon is none other than Robert Gabriel Mugabe. The Zimbabwean Central Bank can no longer print money as they've run out of the requisite paper and the German company that supplies the paper won't be replenishing stock anytime soon because of pressure from the German government. If Mugabe can't pay the military and the police to continue the violence and intimidation of the MDC and its supporters, he will be in a very precarious position. So he decided to talk to Morgan Tsvangirai. However the talks are now deadlocked because Mugabe still thinks he's Top Dog and wants the winner of the March 29 elections to accept the position of THIRD vice-president. It's apparent that Mugabe shows no signs of emerging from his parallel universe anytime soon or are these the kicks of a dying horse?
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