Wednesday 21 March 2007


Dear Tony Blair

You are morally and ethically bankrupt, but you have heard those words before as I used them in a letter I wrote to you back in 2004. A letter which you can't have read otherwise you (read Downing Street) would not have sent me the standard postcard in response.

You are a war criminal and I believe that I'll see you stand before the International Criminal Court in my lifetime (2010 seems a good year to prosecute). You took Britain to war on a lie. You perpetuated the myth that Iraq could launch WMD in 45 minutes and when David Kelley had the temerity to point out that you were talking a load of bollocks, he was silenced.

I watched you on Sunday AM a few weeks ago and when you said that it wasn't British or American (no acknowledgement of the other nations in the misappropriately named coalition of the willing) soldiers who were killing the Iraqis in response to a question posed by Andrew Marr as to whether Britain bore some responsibility for the chaos gripping Iraq, I realised just how deluded you really are.

In the run up to your illegal invasion of Iraq, you said that Sadaam posed a threat to Britain, yet another one of your mistruths. It's now coming to light that you steadfastly ignored all evidence to the contrary.

I, for one, believe The Trial of Tony Blair will come to pass and unlike you, I'm not deluded.

See you at the Hague in 2010.

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