Friday 9 March 2007

Mother Nature is UPSET!!

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and Mother Nature is feeling very scorned at the moment. She let us know of her extreme displeasure with us when she stamped her foot and within five minutes, had extinguished the lives of over a quarter of a million of us, in December 2004. The following year, she wagged her finger and wreaked havoc for the residents of the low lying New Orleans and Biloxi.

It's quite scary to think how puny we really are and despite all of our technological advances, mankind is as powerless against the forces of nature as a fly caught in a spider's web.

Mankind's unbridled exploitation of her natural resources, with scant disregard for the environment, as witnessed by the environmental disaster that is the Niger Delta and the deforestation of the Amazon, has her SERIOUSLY hacked off.

I think initiatives like this do mollify her somewhat, but I wouldn't like to be around when she decides to stamp both feet.

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