Friday 23 March 2007

Il Duomo

I first caught sight of her as I ascended the metro steps
and immediately marvelled at the work of her architect.
And his esteem grew in my estimation as I approached her,
until up close and personal, I was completely bowled over.

My first visit was fleeting
as the onset of darkness curtailed our meeting.
So in the morning I awoke to renew our acquaintance,
to revel in her grandeur and unquantifiable magnificence.

Initially I contented myself with capturing her beauty from the outside,
taking pictures from the front, the back and the sides.
And when at last I entered her hallowed portals,
I had to pose the question, was she built by mere mortals?

I was overwhelmed, I couldn't believe a stone edifice could move me so much
and as anyone who knows me can vouch, I'm not a soft touch.
I lit a candle for my mother at a shrine to the Virgin Mary
it seemed the appropriate thing to do, not something out of the ordinary.

They were areas I didn't access because a service was taking place,
but I accepted this with considerably good grace.
My trip to Milan was fleeting, just under two days,
but her beauty and architecture will stay with me always.

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