Saturday 2 August 2008

Barack Barracked

Obviously, the people who heckled BO at a Town Hall meeting in Florida yesterday had not done their homework on the Senator for Illinois, soon to become the 44th president of the US of A. If they had, they would have known that BO's background is steeped in helping out the depressed, the oppressed, the repressed, the suppressed......All the hecklers had to do is check in with the residents of South Side, Chicago where they would have been told of the projects and initiatives that BO implemented during his time as a community organiser.

As BO pointed out, he's not running to be the president of Asian America, black America, white America, hispanic America, native-American America, gay America, straight America, rich America or poor America - he will become president of the cultural melting pot that is America.

BO diffused the situation with his customary aplomb and true to his word, once BO had said what he wanted to say, he let the heckler have his turn. All I'll say to the heckler is that a lesson in articulation wouldn't go amiss.

The audacity of hope is beautiful thing to behold.

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