Tuesday 19 August 2008

Olympic fashion faux pas

  • Now I don't about you, but men wearing full length costumes and caps in the pool, what's that all about?!
  • I'm not really feeling the halter top back that some of the men have opted to wear, especially Yaroslav "lose the mullet" Rybakov. Irving Saladino looked good in his, but that was because it flippin' fitted.
  • As for the detachable sleeves, I'm speechless - Walter Dix, I'm talking to you because while the sky blue colour is very fetching they definitely did not look fetching on you. Tatyana Lebedeva, you are a fashion pioneer and not in a good way - your decision to wear one red sleeve and one white, along with your skunk-like hair was a no, no.
  • Also, if you have bulging calf muscles please, please, please steer clear of the long socks - that would be you Kerron Clement among others.
  • Long socks are bad enough, but multi-colored ones as worn by Ariane Friedrich are eye catching for all the wrong reasons.
  • Mix and mismatch would be Sanya Richards with the sky blue detachable sleeves + black long socks.
  • Ryan Braithwaite's cutesy baby blue top with white clouds and the sun looks good on a little boy not a muscular man.
  • Even if you are competing at home, wearing one long red sock is so not cool.
  • I'm don't see the point of a headband if one doesn't has long hair, so maybe Bershawn Jackson and Phillips Idowu could enlighten us.
  • Martyn Rooney's shades remind me of those glasses they used to hand out to watch films in 3D

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