Friday 15 August 2008

To whom it may concern

I would like you to know that it was a baaaaaaaaaad idea to give ABCDEF GHIJKLMNOP 5+ million euros to implement the 4 year QRSTUV programme. Here's why:
  • they are making a pig's ear of implementing this very important programme which has the potential to transform millions of lives in sub-Saharan Africa
  • they are running the programme to suit themselves at the expense of the end client's priorities
  • they really don't have a clue about any of the projects under this programme so they rely on another organisation for misinformation
  • despite the fact that you gave them more than 50% of 10 million euros, they have a really hard time paying the contractors who actually work on the project - payment delays of more than 2 months are not uncommon and it would appear that they look for the flimsiest excuses not to pay
  • they don't have a deputisation or escalation process that works
I know the EU likes to bandy about the words accountability, transparency etc so why is it SOOOOOO difficult for me, an EU taxpayer, to find the right person to handover my report detailing the issues and concerns that I have with the way the programme is being run?

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