Thursday 14 August 2008


Incase you are wondering why the talks between Zanu-PF, the MDC faction led by Morgan Tsvangirai and the MDC faction led by Arthur Mutambara are so protracted, here's the reason. Robert Gabriel Mugabe is beholden to the JOC (veterans of Zimbabwe's war of independence and now heads of Zimbabwe's army, airforce and intelligence services) and they have instructed him not to concede executive power to Tsvangirai, despite the latter winning the majority of parliamentary seats in the March elections. In other words, the talks are Mugabe's way of stalling for time while he and the JOC devise a way for Mugabe to continue his misrule of Zimbabwe.

Mugabe has previous here because he held talks with Joshua Nkomo's ZAPU which was subsumed into Zanu-PF and then he deployed Perence Shiri (current head of the Zimbabwean airforce and JOC member) to Matabeleland where the North Korean trained 5th brigade proceeded to ethnically cleanse the Ndebele fron Matabeleland.

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