Thursday 26 June 2008

Damned if they do, damned if they don't

Goebbels was a master of propaganda and Zanu-PF have taken a leaf out of his book. We have seen a number of a Zanu-PF acolytes wheeled out in front of the international media to decry the MDC pull-out.

Having thought that the highest level of absurdity had already been attained, a recalibration was in order after reading this. The MDC stand accused of breaking Zimbabwean law because they pulled out of the run-off with less than 21 days to go. Now if the MDC are law breakers because they've pulled out of a pre-rigged election in order to spare their supporters further unecessary harrassment, what does make Zanu-PF who are intimidating, harrassing, injuring and killing their fellow Zimbabweans?!

The Herald is Zanu-PF's mouthpiece so maybe it was written tongue-in-cheek.

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