Sunday 15 June 2008

Sending out an SOS to Madiba

Dearest Madiba

I know that preparations for the celebration of your 90th birthday are at an advanced stage so I am hoping that you will find time in your hectic schedule to give your contemporary a call. I know you're in semi-retirement, but it seems that you are the only person with the moral authority to call Robert Mugabe out. I know that you will do it in an eloquent, understated way so as not to bruise his delicate ego.

In Africa, there is a misconception that age brings wisdom - in Mugabe's case that is patently not true. He has shown a complete disregard for world opinion and no current African leader has the necessary stature to be listened to by Mr. Mugabe. Your successor has made some half-baked attempts, but his "leadership" (I use the term very loosely) as chief mediator in SADC efforts to bring about a resolution to the crisis in Zimbabwe is highly suspect.


A morally outraged African

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