Friday 6 June 2008

Power to the rescue

Now that he's won, she can be reinstated and fast!! The she in question is Samantha Power who resigned from her position as Barack Obama's foreign policy adviser after she called HRC a monster.

Following BHO's kowtowing to AIPAC and the furore it caused among moderate Palestinians who want a peaceful solution with their belligerent and bellicose oppressor, SP needs to school the incoming 44th president of the US of A on the finer points of diplomacy. As the senior Palestinian negotiator pointed out, BHO is running his campaign on the promise of change except when it comes to the US of A's military industrial complex in the Middle East.

If BHO will talk to Ahmadinejad and Raul Castro, then he should talk to Hamas, who after all are the DEMOCRATICALLY elected choice of the Palestinian people. Refusing to talk to Hamas is equivalent to ignoring the will of the Palestinian people (nothing new there!!). It's good to see that Fatah and Hamas are holding conciliatory talks.

Question for BHO, if Hamas has to honour existing peace agreements, why is it okay for Israel to continue to build illegal settlements in contravention of international law?

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