Thursday 12 June 2008

The F-word

No, not that one! The one I'm referring to is f-a-i-r.
  • Is it fair that the west wants OPEC to increase their oil output so oil prices can go down, yet the very same west refuses to do away with obscene agricultural subsidies that adversely impact farmers in developing countries?
  • Is it fair that Dubya and Tony Bliar can invade Iraq, in contravention of international law and get away with it?
  • Is it fair that the choices of the majority of the Kenya and Zimbabwe electorate were ignored at the ballot box?
  • Is it fair for the British government to criticise Robert Mugabe for transforming Zimbabwe from an economic breadbasket to an economic basketcase while a British high street bank continues to avail credit facilities to Zanu-PF?
  • Is it fair that the bankers (I'm thinking of another word here) behind the sub prime mortgage crisis are bailed out by their respective central banks while loanees are losing their homes?
  • Is it fair that Swiss banks' success is founded on capital flight from developing countries and kickbacks from arms deals?
  • Is it fair that the CIA and the Belgian government who were complicit in the killing of Patrice Lumumba will never see the inside of a courtroom?
  • Is it fair that the exploitation of Africa's vast natural resources continues apace, but the locals are excluded from partaking of the riches coming out of their own soil?
  • Is it fair that the only lives that seem to matter are American?
  • Is it fair that it's so expensive to be poor?

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