Monday 23 June 2008

Democracy ain't worth it

With military precision, coordination and execution, the JOC are carrying out an unprecedented campaign of violence and intimidation that has not abated despite Morgan Tsvangirai's noble decision to withdraw from the pre-determined run-off of 27 June.

Even though African lives are cheap, as evidenced by the intransigence over Darfur, the neverending woes in the DRC......Zimbabwe's president-in-waiting has shown true statesmanship by pulling out from the sham of a run-off. Not that this decision has gone down well given what has gone before, but as he can't campaign, hold rallies, get his message across in the media, what is the flippin' point?

Has there ever been a more incongruous name than that of Zimbabwe's Deputy Information Minister, Bright Matonga?. The utterances emanating from his mouth have bordered on the absurd, for instance yesterday, he said that he didn't understand why the MDC were not going to contest the run-off - he has an earnest tone which makes the words coming out his mouth even more surreal.

It looks as if, we're going to have leave Comrade Bob's fate to Father Time.

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